Projects on Health
Project Title: Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (Main Wave I)
Year: 2016 – 2017
Coverage: Uttar Pradesh
Longitudinal Ageing Study in India provide a comprehensive evidence base on the health and wellbeing of elderly population in India. The latest (1th round) of LASI was conducted in the year 2016-17. RDI was given the responsibility of conducting the survey in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This CAPI based study was conducted in 30 districts of the state with a sample of 4000 households.
A month of training was provided by RDI to the field researchers to conduct the interviews as well as performing anthropometric and bio marker tests.
Project Title: National Family & Health Survey
Year: 2015 – 2016
Coverage: Nagaland and Mizoram
National Family Health Surveys (NFHS) primarily serve to provide essential data on health & family welfare for policy making and planning and throw light on important emerging health and family welfare issues such as fertility, infant and child mortality, the practice of family planning, maternal and child health, reproductive health, nutrition, anaemia, utilization and quality of health etc.
The latest (4th round) of NFHS was conducted in the year 2015-16. RDI was given the responsibility of conducting the survey in the states of Mizoram and Nagaland. The CAPI based survey was conducted in all the districts of the state with a sample of 11,180 households in each state.
A moth of training was provided by RDI to the field researchers to conduct the interviews as well as performing anthropometric and bio marker tests.
Project Title: Facility mapping survey
Year: 2015-16
Location: Uttar Pradesh
Sample size- A total of 3398 Government and Private health facilities.
Aim of the study was to map the availability and accessibility of maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) services in Public and Private Health Service units.
To identify gaps in infrastructure, Human Resource, Equipment, drugs and supplies related to MNCH services. To develop a GIS map of health facilities of districts and to provide information on geographical distribution and the range of health services provided by these health facilities. The study using semi-structured interview schedule and GPS devices.RDI has conducted the study for State Innovations in Family Planning Services Project Agency (SIFPSA), Lucknow.
Project Title: Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health
Year: 2015
Coverage: Uttar Pradesh
Sample size- 36 districts of Uttar Pradesh with a samples of 2000 interviews in each phase.
The purpose of SAGE was to collect data on a broad range of self-reported assessments of health and well-being over time. A standardized approach was used to collect an individual’s self-ratings of health.
Biomarker and Anthropometric tests were conducted. These tests included Vision test, Blood Pressure, Grip strength test, Verbal recall test, Digit span test, Lung function test etc. The survey used vignettes to measure the opinion of respondents on a standard form.
A month long training was provided by RDI to field researchers to conduct the interviews and tests..
It was a longitudinal study conducted in the year 2007 and subsequently in 2015 in 9 states of India. International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS) was the nodal agency and World Health Organization (WHO) was the knowledge partner.
Project Title: Clinical Anthropometric Bio Chemical Tests Under Annual Health Survey
Year: 2013 – 2014
Coverage: Bihar
Sample size- 35,000 households (anthropometric and bio marker tests were conducted amongst all the eligible members of the households.)
The survey aimed at collecting information on nutritional status of women & children prevalence of anemia among women & children, prevalence of hypertension and abnormal fasting blood glucose among women and men 18 years. Bio marker as well as anthropometric tests were done during the survey.
A team of doctors and paramedics was selected by RDI to conduct this survey in 20 districts of Bihar.
Project Title: Feasibility Study for Health Communication in Bihar
Year: 2012
Coverage: Bihar
In this endeavour, RDI conducted this study in Bihar to help design a behaviour change communication program for Hero’s Project, Mumbai. The study aimed at understanding and analyzing Communities’ own perspective and orientation towards health seeking behaviour and identifying the effective medium of communication needed for the same.
The study was qualitative and was conducted in 3 districts of Bihar. The findings of the study helped in designing the BCC program by Hero’s project in the state
Project Title: Post Survey Audit of Annual Health Survey
Year: 2010 – 2013
Coverage: Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa
RDI conducted Post survey audit of Annual Health Survey in 5 states with a sample size of 1, 35,000 households in 5 states to provide unbiased and objective feedback about the coverage of households and the survey as a whole. The Post Survey Audit entailed administering a shorter version of questionnaire of Annual health survey to the same respondents selected for Annual health Survey. The village or urban wards was the primary sampling unit and every alternate household in the primary unit was to be visited for the audit by the field team of RDI.
The survey was conducted in a phased manner for three years consecutively (2010-12).The study was commissioned by Office of Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs.
Project: Communication Needs Assessment for Prevention of HIV/AIDS
Year: 2010-11
Coverage: Arunachal Pradesh
A Communication needs assessment study was conducted to identify the most effective messages and appropriate channels for communicating with target audience related to prevention of HIV/AIDS.
The study was both quantitative and qualitative in nature and commissioned by Arunachal Pradesh States Aids Control Society.
Project: Labor Flexibility & Security Research Program
Year: 2010
Coverage: Delhi & NCR
The study aimed at assessing the socio economic security and well -being of the human resources employed in the health sector. The study also entailed examining as to how organizations and employees in the health sector promote both the capacity of the organization to respond to changes in demand for hospital services.
The study was quantitative, and commissioned by Monash University, Australia.
Project Title: Baseline Survey for PRACHAR Project – Phase III
Year: 2010
Coverage: Bihar
Sample size- 12,600 households adopting qualitative and quantitative approach.
Pathfinder International initiated a project entitled “Prachar” in the state of Bihar to empower young couples and adolescents to adopt healthy reproductive behaviors in various phases.
RDI conducted a baseline survey in the phase III of Prachar project to compare the pre-intervention levels of indicators in intervention and comparison blocks. The study helped in developing the integrated package of Reproductive Health and Family Planning communication and services in the intervention blocks alongwith providing feedback to all stake holders.
Project: Service Provider Assessment for Family Planning Services in A & B Category Villages
Year: 2009-10
Coverage: Uttar Pradesh
The objective of the study was to list all private health service providers (both allopathic and ISMP) and collect information on family planning products and services provided by the service providers;
The study also aimed at assessing quality of family planning services/ products being provided and estimate the family planning client load at the service provider level;
Apart from this, the study explored the willingness of service providers in providing additional family planning products and services in future and their linkages with social marketing agencies.Study was commissioned by Futures Group International.
Project: Situational Analysis of TB Patients
Year: 2009-10
Coverage: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka
The study was a KAB; to assess the knowledge, awareness, attitude and stigma associated with Tuberculosis patients. The study entailed interviewing TB patients as well as their care takers and other people residing in the vicinity.
The study was commissioned by International foundation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
Project Title: Evaluation of role of ASHA under NRHM
Year: May, 2009 – Sep, 2009
Coverage: Rajasthan
The study was conducted in Rajasthan with the objective to evaluate the role of ASHA Sahayogini under Janani Suraksha Yojana in increasing institutional deliveries and Counseling to mothers after delivery covering all aspects PNC, breastfeeding, new born care and contraception. One of the main objectives of the study also included to assess the availability of medical officers in 24/7 PHCs and to analyze the fund flow mechanism of ASHA.
The study was conducted in 9 districts of Rajasthan.It was commissioned by Department of
Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Project: Customer Satisfaction Survey for Voucher System
Year: 2009-10
Coverage: Uttar Pradesh
A voucher system was initiated in some of the private hospitals in Uttar Pradesh wherein, the poor people identified in the slum areas were provided with vouchers with the help of which they could avail services at these hospitals free of cost.
The study aimed at identifying the problems faced in obtaining vouchers and quality of services being provided to the beneficiaries under the voucher system;
It was a quantitative study. The study was commissioned by Futures Group International.