
Education is a very vital tool used to mitigate most of the challenges faced in life. The knowledge that is attained through education helps open doors to a lot of opportunities for better prospects in career growth. A need of quality Education is today’s need as it is the development of intellectual skills and knowledge. The term education is a part of learning which in one sense or another, under the control of men, with the degree of control varying according to circumstances. RDI has extensive experience in undertaking evaluation, impact assessment, training need assessment studies etc on basic education including adult literacy. With the presence in all the states of India we hold clientele with Dept. of Education, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Department of Rural Development and Panchayathi Raj, Govt. of Rajasthan Centre for Good Governance, HCM RIPA, Govt. of Rajasthan Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI and many others.

Projects on Education

Project Title: Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Merit-cum-means based Scholarship Scheme

Year:               March, 2013 – Sep, 2013
Coverage:      Assam, Bihar, Haryana, J&K, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal

The aim of the study was to understand the impact of scholarship scheme on target group alongwith assessing the level of awareness of major stakeholders regarding the scheme. The findings of the study helped to identify the awareness of scheme amongst students and its impact on their overall academic development. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative method. Indepth interviews were conducted with the beneficiaries and service providers.
The study was commissioned by Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI.

Project Title: Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Pre – Matric Scholarship Scheme

Year:               March, 2013 – Sep, 2013
Coverage:      Assam, Bihar, Haryana, J&K, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal
The aim of the study was to understand the impact of scholarship scheme on target group alongwith assessing the level of awareness of major stakeholders regarding the scheme. The findings of the study helped to identify the awareness of scheme amongst students and its impact on their overall academic development.
The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative method. Indepth interviews were conducted with the beneficiaries and service providers. A total of 2880 beneficiaries were selected for the study across 12 states. The study was commissioned by Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI.

Project Title: Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Post – Matric Scholarship Scheme

Year:               March, 2013 – Sep, 2013
Coverage:      Assam, Bihar, Haryana, J&K, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal
The aim of the study was to understand the impact of scholarship scheme on target group alongwith assessing the level of awareness of major stakeholders regarding the scheme. The findings of the study helped to identify the awareness of scheme amongst students and its impact on their overall academic development.
The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative method. Indepth interviews were conducted with the beneficiaries and service providers. A total of 2880 beneficiaries were selected for the study across 12 states. The study was commissioned by Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI.

Project Title: Impact of Intervention in Inclusive Education – Resource Room and Home Based Education (HBE)

Year:              Nov, 2012 – April, 2013
Coverage:     Rajasthan
To evaluate the effectiveness of Resource Rooms and Home Based Education, RDI conducted a study for Rajasthan Council for Elementary Education (Rajasthan). Aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of services provided to the CWSN (children with special needs) in Resource Rooms and Home based education and its impact with reference to improvement in their “daily
living activities”. One of the major objectives of the study was to assess the functioning of Resource Rooms.
The study was conducted across 11 districts of Rajasthan.

Project Title: Study on Utility of Science & Mathematics Kits in School

Year:               Mar, 2012 – Jun, 2013
Coverage:      Rajasthan
A study on utility of Science & mathematics kits in school was conducted with an aim to understand the usage of kits in teaching-learning processes and the perception of teachers & students towards the kits in the school. During the study, RDI covered schools from 5 districts of Rajasthan.  Systematic random sampling was adopted and observations were made to
understand the status of kit’s availability in the schools of Rajasthan. The findings of the study helped in identifying the impact of mathematics and science kits in the learning process for students.
The study was commissioned by Rajasthan Council of elementary education.

Project Title: Evaluation of Transport Voucher Scheme

Year:               2009
Coverage:      Rajasthan
The study was an evaluation of the scheme of transport voucher being provided to students in the schools of Rajasthan.  The main objective of the study was to find out total number of beneficiaries in the educational institutes of selected districts of the state and to find out their awareness about the programme. The study also focused in finding out applications received,
sanctioned, distributed and pending in the schools. Analysis of the actual distribution of transport vouchers against the eligible candidates along
with verification from the registered beneficiaries was also done. RDI also assessed the utilization of the transport vouchers in the selected districts and reviewed the difficulties in distribution of transport vouchers. Study was conducted in 9 districts of Rajasthan and adopted quantitative research tools.
The study was commissioned by CGG, Rajasthan.

Project Title: Availability of teachers and its impact thereof on academic achievement

Year:               May, 2008
Coverage:      Rajasthan
In order to understand the effect of teachers’ absenteeism on children at primary level, RDI conducted a study in 9 districts of Rajasthan. The study was commissioned by Centre for Good Governance, Govt. of Rajasthan. The study adopted the quantitative as well as qualitative approach. Focus group discussions were also conducted amongst parents to get the in- depth knowledge of the impact.

Project Title: Assessment of facilities available in TAD hostels in Rajasthan

Year:              Jan, 2008
Coverage:     Rajasthan
The objective of the study was to evaluate and assess the facilities available in Tribal Area Development hostels in Rajasthan. The assessment included the infrastructure and other facilities.
The study was conducted in 7 districts of the state. Quantitative research tools were adopted to identify the areas that need further improvements. The study was commissioned by Centre for Good Governance, Govt. of Rajasthan. The findings of the study helped in assessing the gaps in the facilities available in TAD hostels.

Project Title: Assessment of facilities available in social welfare hostels in Rajasthan

Year:              Jan, 2008
Coverage:     Rajasthan
The objective of the study was to evaluate and assess the facilities available in social welfare hostels of Rajasthan. Students from social welfare hostels in 10 districts of Rajasthan namely Banswara, Barmer, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Dholpur, Jaisalmer, Jhalawar, Nagaur, Sri Ganganager and Udaipur were covered.

A quantitative research methodology was adopted to identify the areas that need further improvements. The findings of the study helped in knowing the facilities available in social welfare hostels in Rajasthan. The study was commissioned by Centre for Good Governance, HCM RIPA, Govt. of Rajasthan.

Project Title: A Cohort Study of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Districts in Uttar Pradesh

Year:              Nov, 2006 – May, 2007
Coverage:     Uttar Pradesh
This was a cohort study with an aim to estimate district-wise grade V completion rate over five years of primary cycle.  Also estimation of districts-wise cohort dropout, repetition and transfer rates of grade I cohort was done. One of the major objectives of the study was to find out gender and social disparities in completion, dropout and repetition rates in rural and urban
areas. Gross enrollment ratio and net enrollment ratio was calculated. Cohort Drop-out, repetition and transfer rate in primary schools were also identified.
RDI covered nearly 5,000 schools in the state.. Quantitative research methodology was adopted. Finding of the study helped in to identify the reasons for drop-out and repetition in primary schools.
The study was commissioned by SIEMAT.

Project Title: Evaluation of Mid Day Meal Scheme

Year:               2006 – 2007
Coverage:      Rajasthan
The study was commissioned by Department of Rural Development and Panchayathi Raj, Govt. of Rajasthan with an aim to find out the impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme on beneficiaries. Study involved interviewing more than 4000 beneficiaries and 1500 service providers in 7 districts of Rajasthan. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were adopted to get better
understanding in terms of quality of food, quantity of food etc.
Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted amongst service providers to understand their perception regarding key issues related to the scheme. Finding of the study helped in assessing the impact of the scheme to beneficiaries.

Project Title: Study on Community’s Own Perception on its Role in Functioning of Primary Schools

Year:               July, 2002
Coverage:      Uttar Pradesh
In order to identify the community perception towards its own role in functioning of primary school, RDI conducted a study in two districts of Uttar Pradesh.  Main objective of the study was to assess the facilities provided in the primary schools. Opinion of teachers and parents were also taken during the study period. Quantitative method was adopted to identify the community’s view.
The findings of the study helped in identifying any improvement needed in the services
provided and current status of facilities available in the school.
The study was commissioned by SIEMAT, Dept. of Education, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.

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